The Daily Prodigious Organ of The Illuminated Brethren of MV∴ZN∴
Flying Rolls of the Outer Illuminatus, Reverend Forrest Gummo, for the distribution and consideration of the faithful having reached STARFISH+ status.
CLASS A IMPRIMATUR: Imperator: B∴K∴ 17=17 Cancellarius: Reverend Forrest Gummo 1=10 OIMV∴ZN∴ Administrator of the Pronaos: Papa Doc G. Terwilliger Dignitas, Sr.
"tags": [
"content":"{\"name\":\"P∴R∴E∴V∴E∴N∴T∴theF∴U∴T∴U∴R∴E∴\",\"about\":\"The Daily Prodigious Organ of The Illuminated Brethren of MV∴ZN∴\\n\\nFlying Rolls of the Outer Illuminatus, Reverend Forrest Gummo, for the distribution and consideration of the faithful having reached STARFISH+ status. \\n\\n2B1ASK1\\n\\nCLASS A\\nIMPRIMATUR:\\nImperator: B∴K∴ 17=17\\nCancellarius: Reverend Forrest Gummo 1=10 OIMV∴ZN∴\\nAdministrator of the Pronaos: Papa Doc G. Terwilliger Dignitas, Sr.\",\"picture\":\"\",\"banner\":\"\",\"nip05\":\"\"}",