Why Nostr? What is Njump?
It's about changing / opening your minds...

FreeSchool helps Learn / Respect / Love things more...

And I guess on 1 basic level I just want to make friends. I hope that is not too much to ask.

And then possibly make friends with most of the world (I know all isn't really possible)

So my 'wall of text' here might be the first test to the longer version of myself. It reflects my dedication and human experience that confirms that depth should be OK even 1 step at a time (like a spiral staircase for others to read), so just start anywhere and learn to love what you can (and climb!).

If you think life / Fediverse is just 1 feel-good one-liner or short thing, and not climbing TOGETHER more often, then your cheating yourself and others in life.
This would be ok 'normally' BUT quicker than before it comes back to you if it's without caring in others.

If not you, then who?
If not now, then when?

You don't have to read this all in one go for example, but you can read it... bit by bit.

If things in life mean anything to you talk with me.
If you saw something you liked in a post work from there and mention me in that post.

All is quite relative and can be a better domino... / // /// /// /

Quick look / Summary
- #FreeSchool hashtag
- FreeSchool media https://qoto.org/@freeschool/media

If you understand a bit fo depth then we all have can learn to love life better (Freedom via learning / loving life in a school of people all doing the same in various amounts). Do try a bit or ask! Don't have to kill yourself here but helps a bit come out of your comfort zone.

Keeping each other in touch also helps keep each other's vibe alive and check back on our own stuff WITH each other.

Because EVERYTHING needs time + communication and without that ALL / A LOT is broken and even less human, even if it seems it's good without - that's short term... (like hospitals for profit that are the same evil formular for profit which is why there is OFTEN rebellion and strikes in these places (that should be more pure and less profit-squeezed). In one month the student, doctors, teach and police wereon strike in early 2023 (March I think).

But this more personal and customised.

Just follow me + put notifications on to TEST things.... not just blind faith... the rest below is just over-info

SO if you're searching for anything / love anything in the world (for the children / next generation or for this one) YOU HAVE FOUND IT (also in finding more of yourself).

Open Learning School or Freedom University...


A lot you might be at length and depth, but if you're easy about it, you can take the best and even take me along to understand life with others!

To learn and do everything practically! (this is a practical living (and gets stuff done as much as we can).

Fan of Fediverse!

What do I do?

I give people time and I think that's the basic difference (without list of other stuff deeper than that) to others who really don't have or give time and give up on people really easy... (don't mean to be competitive, no put-downs, just I more dedicate time to others and weave us together).

Quick Look - peace-loving work / services:
█ Fan of Fediverse! (give time to others, am not mean, don't put down people unless really it's asked for, weave peopel with consent)
█ Mini-Podcast (few mins each, examples below)
█ Picture remixes / video remixes
█ Lessons without being too 'teacher' about it. Teacher has teeth for eliminating doubt.
█ Food for thought as gentle soul also.
█ Unique ideas - often impossible for professionals (they are burdened by financial repsonsibility and therefore associational risk in saying things). I'm more diverse and occasionally direct (with respect, though I don't shy away from reminding people).
█ Not too embarrassing to say "I don't know" but can still chase things.
█ More responsive than casual users usually because people think having 'job' is enough in life. I say it's not! And even faimily is of no use if it's only getting worse (in everything!).

Podcast Examples:
1. Gary Ackerman's thoughts on AI

2. The Little Prince book

3. Fantasy genre from a fan's perspective

I help people create audio / edit educational audio / podcast / music / visual short videos / transcript text

+ I like to add a bit humour while being quite strict in my own politics (opinions) but open / inviting for others to tell me what I should do if they can explain more than just a short comment (I don't mind it's healthy for me at least if you have logic and can stand yourself explaining).

FreeSchool is about Learning towards Freedom (which is about Uniting everyone slowly, even "1 by 1"... Easy with The Fediverse!

Not virtue signalling here only, but practise of EVERYTHING as we go. Judged by getting in contact (many have) and having courage to communicate (or seeking it from others is ok, EVERYONE needs a bit of courage or hand-holding to make big personal changes). Who else is there for example if family doesn't understand?

Learning and watching can be good and staying out of people's way, BUT better is doing something every day and helping each other with some tough decisions / lessons... and then being bold enough to do them. 1... 2... 3 that is all that's needed.

Let my posts do most of the talking.

Put me on notification (click bell that appears after follow ia accepted) and if it's not interesting switch off after and tick me off the list of potential people to follow daily!

Media version of my posts here... open link for later... good for visual scrolling version and judge me on that I don't mind...


I'm usually impressed with my media gallery as I work on posts a lot usually or hit the "Aha!" moments and capture it (other people may forget it for years, not me!).

Freedom is about *making it work together* better like using #Mastodon on the #Fediverse daily for better platforms with more #bestpractices and 'best' people to help us which I kind of collect here and :boost: when it's #1 comment!

I am measurably better because I reply and stick to everything to the end(!)
No cancelling friendship suddenly without saying why or being moody!
Freedom is to Learn, Respect and Love eventually and ️to Unite!

Practically it's also like Tetris - add yourself to the puzzle and watch it all happen...

█▬▄▀ ╚ ╦ ╝╠╧

talk more on Mastodon and the Fediverse and puzzle it all out using better ways to less use the other bad commercial / extractive people...
L£$$ of the less caring people like the ggl's / ytb / gmail / mainstream communication points etc who are offering lots of space 'free' and it's not free of peace there.

We GIVE to real people (TIME NOT JUST MONEY).

There's no buy-in solution - we have to make it with selotape or whatever we have - it's not shameful to bring whatever you have.

FreeSchool is terminology put together from many good things from past (coined in 1950's/60's. I / we become it eventually through being.

It's a movement for Freedom via Learning it all (learning self included and less active stuff) and doing the learning *together* --> https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Freeschool.

I encourage you warmly to participate with me as a I have time and then spiral out naturally to others (we are part of humanity and so naturally a sort of evangelism or ecological pyramid of life as we choose to spread lesser suffering while accepting consuming is part of it).

Less-commercial in orientation (in everything) and happy to think / work for free.

Naturally you will hesitate if someone is sure of themself or ok standing on shoulders what we copy do the best from humbly but not too sterile either.

Based on just emotions ruins almost everything, which seems very common - very ungraceful - so don't disconnect... do it gracefully at least!

A "school" of thought is here you can interact / ask and make best together as free/low cost as possible.

Even a bad answer you can take best from (of course I won't know all your situation when I suggest something but I don't need to answer 100% - you also need to help me!).

Leave perfectionism, we are all imperfect humans! Let's do it... Choose something ANYTHING and keep the thoughts rolling together...!

All content under the Creative Commons license CC-BY-SA-NC. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/?ref=chooser-v1 Thereby, ideally, only using tools and resources that are #FLOSS #OpenSource. #nobot
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