"tags": [],
"content":"I NEED YOUR HELP!\n\nIn December we hosted the first SAT Market in my city of Calgary. It was an awesome success with 30+ local vendors all accepting Bitcoin.\n\nWell... we're doing it again on March 23rd! Even if you can't attend, amplification of sharing the links to event pages helps a LOT!\n\nhttps://m.primal.net/HZWM.png\n\nHere's the Orange Pill App event page\nhttps://public.theorangepillapp.com/event/65b48009f7da47811d2e5392\n\nIf you're not on the app yet, here's the Meetup link\nhttps://www.meetup.com/btcsessions/events/298815852/\n\nIf you want to attend, just show up with sats and a smile!\n\nIf you want to be a merchant, reach out to dave@bitcoinbrains.com for more info!\n\nHere's a sample of the great people you'll encounter when you're there:\nhttps://m.primal.net/HZWP.mp4",