An Announcement Regarding アノニマスの見解 PeerTube
(TL;DR - public registration is open, no video uploading tho, also you can use Lightning to log in and Zap and shit now)
In the process of testing the features of the Bitcoin Lightning plugin, I opened registrations on my PeerTube server. After some consideration, I decided to leave them open, but disable video uploading.
On the one hand, I realize I have some reasonably good hardware propping this thing up, and using it all for myself seems a bit wasteful. On the other hand, storage space isn't cheap, and if I let anybody upload willy nilly I'll run out of space and either have to expand storage beyond my financial ability to maintain it, or just have to shut down.
Still, even without uploads, having the ability to make an account and explore PeerTube's so-called "vidiverse" has some value, even if it's only to subscribe, comment, like, etc. So anybody who wants to check out PeerTube as a viewer, feel free to sign up.
I'm also in the process of testing out Bitcoin Lightning support, and I think I have Alby wallet logins and video Zap buttons working. It seems pretty tightly connected to Alby, though, so idk if other wallets/browser extensions/whatever will work. We'll see how it goes:
Standard account creation -
Alby/Lightning account creation -
(select the "Alby authentication" button, and get back to me if you try and it doesn't work)