I was thinking about how to price things, for the next purplekonnektiv (npub1pur…zkzp) retreat.
There's no real incentive to price in euros, anymore, as the money they pay might end up not covering costs, because of the amount of months you have to reserve, in advance. But, if you price in satoshi, the people who pay a bit later could end up paying much more (because of the conversion from euros, that they'd usually have to do) than the people who got tipped-off about the meetup, first. Which is sort of unfair, and could even end up being some ridiculous amount. On the other hand, it gives people an incentive to reserve a spot, earlier. Should probably have people pay, in tranches, to smooth things out.
Generally, having people pay for larger purchases or subscriptions in tranches, with the tranche-calculation closer to real-time, seems to be a sensible way of dealing with the volatility.
Decisions, decisions...