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You don’t change Bitcoin. Bitcoin changes you
ถ้าใช้ custodial ก่อนปีหน้าควรจะย้ายเงินออกครับ หรือเปลี่ยนเป็น Alby Hub ได้ครับ
It is an app to take nots which is free and open source software (FOSS)
Example could be Obsidian. Really nice with the easy to write links to connect notes.
Haha really
Sounds like a very different idea. And a team which disrespected easy solutions 😂
I’m so glad I don’t use Windows anymore
Bitcoin Satoshis hit parity with Argentine Peso overnight: #note1spt…tu4n
Only because it is possible does not mean it is getting done. You seem not to understand the difference between possibility and fact
The current max fee is 1% + 50 sats for LDK (we just use the defaults). In LDK-node 0.4.2 which was recently released it makes it a bit easier to customise from the Alby Hub side, but I’m not sure we will add the ability to change it. The best solution could be to do bigger zaps 😁
This is a Map where it shows no ID-verification. It is not mentioning any fraud. I hope you know what fraud means?
I mean even in these states without ID-registration they will have to register to vote. So it is not as if anybody could just go vote and be accepted.
Just a linear algorithm for past prices and my own random future price predictions
Both channels you have are private, right? There could be cheaper routes to your hub via LNServer.
If you use Umbrel or Start9 then Alby Hub uses the local bitcoin core. You don’t need to connect your Alby Account to Alby Hub, and the final thing is the relay, where you can configure to use a different one via env (NOTE: the relay communication is end to end encrypted)
We’re working on an experimental open source LNURL server that you can create a lightning address using a permissioned NWC connection secret. It’s not quite ready yet (Missing NIP-05 and zapper functionality) but it’s here:
Maby I have to dig into this. Thank you guys.
Yes I do. Therefore your lies are to obvious.
Hi, unfortunately we don’t have a MyNode package yet. We’d be happy for help! There’s an open issue on the Alby Hub GitHub repository
For real?
What is wrong about Solana? Energy efficient cheap transactions. Huge number of Apps that are developed on this blockchain. Good criticism please. But really just if it is verifiable critisism. I do not want to read no opinions.
What indicator is better to use?
Lets hope for the best and get circular economy turn up. As more use their voice and actions for stopping climatechange as more powerful we are.
It seems your are religous and can not argue as educated people do it.
Racism, antisemitism and other such general ethnic attacks are horrible. Hopefully Police can arrest them.
For Bitcoin it is a Signal to more adaption I think.
It’s another app with exactly the permissions (make invoice, lookup invoice, get balance, list transactions) and is isolated. I have an Alby Hub PR to make this easy to do :-)
Sure, maybe I can add a zap button on the page too. Thanks!
It’s just a linear equation based on some random guesses I made for cycle tops for the next few cycles. 300k this cycle, 3M next, then 10M, then 100M 😁
Thanks! It’s hard to make custom permissions for isolated apps right now which is what this uses, but I have a PR to improve it which will hopefully be in the next version of Alby Hub.
This app isn’t in the hub (I don’t think it makes sense there) but it’s open source.
It’s using NWC to fetch the transactions from an isolated read-only app in Alby Hub
There’s a tip box on the info page where you can leave a message with a tip!
I made this currency sat parity checker 99% with AI: (Claude 3.5 Sonnet) + cline vscode plugin
We are 19% on the way through "The Sattening"
You are funny. Elon and Trum invents whatever information out of thin air. And you call it independent. Yes it is independent of reality. Only serves their power and does not care about nothing else.
Why did not consider Typewise. Big learningcurve. But great to use once learned. Real advantage to legacy boards.
This goes out to all people spreading misinformation I assume 🙃😉
There is no evidence for larger scale fraud. All fraud attempts are reported and are not higher than in a Period before Trump tried being President. You seem to just push misinformation. Please remove your lasereyes or stop. Sharing misinformation is not based nor focused. It is 100% distraction and tries to get people away from productivity for nothing but hot air.
Ich glaube an Chancengleichheit als beste Gesellschaftliche Grundlage.
Ich glaube, dass Menschen im grunde gut sind und sein wollen.
Ich glaube das Vertrauen verletzlich ist. Doch eine funktionierende Gesellschaft kennt keine Alternative dazu.
Ich glaube, dass es absolute Realitäten gibt, welche unabhängig davon existieren ob sie verstanden werden.
Ich glaube, dass Menschen, welche davon ausgehen im zweifel falsch liegen zu können einen grösseren Beitrag zum Fortschritt leisten als solche, welche im Zweifelsfall ihre Meinung durchboxen.
Ich glaube, dass gute Bildung ein wichtiger Schlüssel zu mehr Unabhängigkeit ist.
Ich glaube, dass Menschen welche die Realität besser verstehen mehr Macht besitzen.
Ich bin überzeugt, dass Unabhängigkeit der Schlüssel zu mehr #Anarchie ist.
Ich glaube, dass eine #Anarchie stabil sein muss um bestehen zu können.
Ich glaube, dass Menschen, welche kritisch denken anstatt nachzuplappern und stehts verantwortung für ihre Handlungen übernehmen den grössten Beitrag zur stabilität von Anarchistischen Gesellschaften leisten.
I really ask since I am not informed. I am non-American. What do you refer to with the ID verification? And how does this support the democratic party over the republican?
One has to go with the flow and take the fights one has the powert to fight. There is no point in wasting a unwinnable fight.
Intresting meme
Thank you for the input. Kind of convinces me.
I feel rather as freedom is just about to come more into reality.
I support this stance, that the support for these Platforms who actively push false information should not be supported. Not by companies with gheir money nor by individuals by their usage.
So inspiring to see what Jimmy is doing in Chiang Mai! #note18h8…w2lq
We sent out an email to cloud subscribers on Monday to give you two days notice that an update was required and you could update beforehand to avoid disruption.
Unfortunately in rare cases there are urgent updates that we must do, and that requires unlocking afterwards. We hope this should decrease in frequency going forward - Alby Cloud is still a new product.
Because it is a lightning node running in the cloud, it must be unlocked after an update so it can start the node. You don’t need the browser open - just for Alby Hub to be unlocked.
We plan to add an option to disable automatic updates of important security updates. But also, if you have any suggestions on how we can improve, please let us know!
Ich denke im Krieg zwischen Russland gegen die Ukraine geht es um akzeptanz von Tyrannei, wenn jemand vorschlägt nach russischen vorgaben Frieden zu suchen.
Denn es ist das selbe Spiel, wie wenn einem Erpresser Lösegeld gezahlt wird. In den meisten Fällen wird der Erpresser nur die Forderungen erhöhen. Denn ein Erpresser lebt davon die Regeln nicht zu beachten. Warum soll er sich also plötzlich an eine Abmachung halten.
Yes I use it since around three years. And they do a great job for privacy.
Probably america does not need this anymore. It is fine for them to have loyalty to the president.
This could be true. That Trump is the best candidate to tear down US econimy.
What are you refering to?
#trump seems to be elected. Those who are more into it. What good changes you hope to see the next four years?
I use proton calendar. But only makes sense, when you already use a product of proton.
Ok. And you brag about how bad you are about making rules or what?
So I understand you right? For you it is totally fine to loose separation of power.? You think cleptocracy is the real shit, where a small group of liars misuse the tax money all to their personal good.?
Just do not cry when your dreams come true. Since this is what america voted for. And noone could later say they did not know.
Maby yourope still has some sense of reality and knows what democracy means.
Maby you could point out who is we?
I mean there is many conspiracy theory.
But some facts to agree or disagree:
- The earth is roundish as a Football with some unformed shapes.
- The climatechange we measure since the start of industrialisation is man made.
- climate change is a existential thread to many animals and plants, since the speed of climate change is unmatched in world history. (It is not only about the temperature, it is mostly about the temperature per decade that is the thread)
- Hitler and the Nazi regime murdered around 6 Million Jews in an industrial way of murdering.
- Condensation trails are a physical phenomenon, that is caused by the burning of kerosin in the hight around 8 to 12km above ground.
Since to generally disagree on these terms is not really providing any value to society.
No I am stupid. Sorry just read when stalin was in power. Did never educate myself well enough about the dates of the Sovjet leaders. But I still think it is far from reality to support what Hitler mentioned, that Jews could be blamed for Stalins crulety.
why would it not be? It is rated around the level of cocain of addictiv.
Not really. Most of the times sugar is in one form or an other what powers our brain and fast energy during the day.
This video is not really available.
He seems to have actually have built some wallmeters. But it is no invention of Trump. So he might mentioned it. But it is like when a President would promis, that the police would be funded by taxpayers in his period. Not that impressing when it will be true.
But this wall does not solve a problem nor was it his idea.
Proton VPN
They have a very good transparancy on their logging and what they can provide.
A question to Trump followers. What problem did Trump call out before his election and what were then his actions to get the job done?
Wow, cool! Is the Thai version easy to read?
I finally listened to the audiobook of “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress” recommended by @npub15l5…7rgk @npub1m0s…gcru and @npub15dq…lm5m
Also did you know John Galt is mentioned in the book?
And he also mentioned Scarlet Pimpernel. I’m listening to this now.
Actually most peoplehjust live and have no problem to do so freely inlwestern democracies...
No matter if you want to accept it or not. Most people just do it and do not care that you are afraid.
มี linux แล้วที่จริงไม่จำเป็นใช้ docker ก็ได้ครับ ถ้าอยากทำเป็น linux service เรามี guide แค่ไปที่ run installation script ครับ
Is this a joke? The whitepaper is just a document one can read. But maby you find a version where someone reads it to you. You mean this? Or an explanation? And what whitepaper you mean?
Pretty much you nailed it. An ultraconservative that is afraid of change. Wow what a spectacle 😂
Who disagrees or agrees with my statement:
Whatever society, that has most accurate science and chooses to define its rules and actions according to scintific evidence the best, will have the biggest potential for growth in wealth and influence in the world.
@nprofile…hspy how can I login to zapstore on Android with #Amber?
For all undecided voters in the US.
Maby it helps going through policies that were brought up by the candidate. In the end it is these policies which are actually what you are voting for. 😉
Did you already check out the new profilmspaces in Android 15? Not exactly what you describ. But it is like a hidden user profile with its own space. But it is accessible within the main user account.
And I hope you see this vision rather a step to lower hirarchy with the goal to flatten it even more?
Die Schweizer Kantone wurden in der Karte gar stark vereinfacht. Ich fordere da realitätsnahere Aufteilung.
One does not have to be racist to live a federal organized System.
@npub1get…0nfm BuzzPay PoS is a self-custodial receive-only PoS you can safely share with staff to receive payments, connected to an isolated @npub19hg…yv9p connection on Alby Hub for simple accounting and peace of mind. Yesterday we added support for entering fiat amounts!
Try mine:
Is a great source I think to figure out how weak the browser you are using is. IMO best is to just use uBlock origin in hard mode to block all scripts and then enable always the bare minimum. Since fingerprinting is most accurate with javascript.
i can not follow your thoughts
Wow. Maby not the state. But there are other organisations with more power then the state. And they do not try to obey any laws. It is that one cooperates, leaves or accepts oppression.
How can any currency be negative?
Based on what? Or where would you get more economic and personal freedom?
I am not suee one is responsible of things one does not do, when there was no clear expression to do it in the first place.
Lets hope that it can become the marketplace of ideas.
Ii do not think there is a question, which is to be answered correct. It is a product, which can find its usecase or go on as a cult.
Ich hoffe stark, dass dieser Riesenkonzern bald aufgeteilt wird. Ich denke einzelne kleine Firmen haben einen mehr positiven Effekt auf die Gesellschaft, als ein megakonzern.
Yes it has some great game mechanics.
ทำให้จำถึงหนังสือเล่ม “ปฏิวัติยุคสมัยด้วยฟางเส้นเดียว”
Too great. Needed to send this to my wife instantly 😂
Falls jemand The Apprentice, den dokumentarfilm über Donald Trum sehen will:
I am actually happy that they do at least a good job in storing my money. What I do not like is how Switzerland as a state helps banks, which work bad and get close to being bankrupt. Politics are not able to regulate them well, so one bank can go bankrupt without problem and work umder free market conditions
I think when one has the goal to evaluate a number in US Dollars the best one is really the market price.
Das war mir nicht bewusst. Entweder lädt mein client deinen Nutzernamen nicht oder deine relays sind nicht richtig mit meinen verknüpft. Ok da mit den Fördergeldern kenne ich mich gar nicht aus. ist eine super journalismus initiative in der Schweiz. Wurde im Januar 2018 Gegründet mit dem Versprechen sich exklusiv durch abonnenten zu finanzieren und so die grösste journalistische unabhängigkeit zu haben. Eine dezentral finanzierte Zeitung. Bietet 3 Artikel pro Tag, welche optional auch immer von einer richtig guten synthetischen Stimme vorgelesen werden können.
In general by reading what nips they implement. And for example in Amethyst android client, you can activate private messages down left with an inkognito man. When the other person does not use a client with NIP-17 implemented, she will not be able to read the message.
I also wish, that many crisis can be solved in a good way.
And you think this is a group of people which are interconnected and create lies?
Every single fals prediction came probably from different people, which do not know anything from eachother. So it were false claims, that got popular. Thats it.
But like the melting of the glaciers any person that goes to the mountains often reports it. The iceshield on Iceland is also melting. When you do not want to beleave, please do everyone a favour and start to be critical. Go to glaciers and see with your own eyes.
Exactly what I was experiencing there. When he started it was a platform, to exchange opinions I thnik (was not there then) and when I left it was mostly grumpy fact denialist there.