I have long said that we need to disengage from our political systems and our focus on electoral politics in order to protect ourselves and our communities from the excesses and harms that are engendered by those systems. Lately I've seen questions about how to protect ourselves from a potential second Trump term.
The answer is not to go out and buy a lot of ammo and get armed (I speak from experience here since that's what I did after 2016). We aren't going to outgun the opposition.
What is the answer is to provide direct assistance to our neighbors and develop systems of parallel community run programs to supplement the shortcomings of our government and capitalist systems.
So what I'd like to find out is what programs or actions have you been taking in your communities to try to share these ideas so that they can inspire others to do the same or come up with their own.
I'll start. I started a free clothes store in my community. It still exists 6 years after I started it but unfortunately has become very heavily religious in nature. So a group of us started over and now have monthly #MutualAid popup events to give away all sorts of needed items to anyone who wants them.
Let's see what everyone is doing out there. #Community #CommunityBuilding #CommunityDefense