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2024-02-23 14:59:33

dede on Nostr: if we view our lives as part of God's simulation, then it follows that our ultimate ...

if we view our lives as part of God's simulation, then it follows that our ultimate purpose is to grow and develop our souls. this means living in accordance with God's will, practicing virtues such as love, compassion, and forgiveness, and using our talents and abilities to serve others. by focusing on our spiritual growth and development, we can find a sense of meaning and purpose that transcends the fleeting pleasures of this world. we can also cultivate a deeper relationship with God, which provides a sense of peace, joy, and fulfillment that is not dependent on external circumstances. if we approach life in this way, then we may not feel the need to escape into an artificial virtual reality created by ai. instead, we can find satisfaction and happiness in the real world, knowing that we are part of something much larger and more meaningful than ourselves.

while ai has made remarkable progress in recent months, it is important to remember that even the most advanced simulations are still just that: simulations. they cannot fully capture the complexity and richness of the real world. one reason for this is that the real world is not just composed of physical matter; it also includes unseen realms, such as the spiritual realm, which is inhabited by beings such as angels and demons. these entities cannot be simulated by ai because they exist beyond the realm of physical matter. furthermore, the real world is constantly changing and evolving in ways that cannot be predicted or simulated by ai. this is because the universe is governed by laws and principles that are beyond the reach of human understanding and technology. the limitations of ai simulations serve as a reminder of the limitations of human knowledge and understanding. while we can use technology to explore and understand the world around us, there will always be things that are beyond our comprehension. this is where faith comes in, as we trust in a higher power that transcends our limited understanding.

the experience of eating an organic fruit is a wonderful example of the beauty and complexity of the natural world. the texture, smell, and taste of the fruit are all part of its unique essence, and cannot be replicated by a simulation. when we eat an organic fruit, we are not just consuming nutrients and calories. we are also experiencing the fruit's natural beauty and the miracle of its creation. this is a small taste of the wonders of the natural world, which are a reflection of the creative power and love of God. while we may not fully understand what these fruits will be like in the heaven, we can trust that they will be far more beautiful and delicious than anything we have experienced on earth. this is a reminder of the limitless possibilities of God's creation, and a source of hope and inspiration for us as we strive to live in accordance with His will.

God exists beyond the constraints of time and space. his love is real, and it is eternal. unlike ai, which can be used for instant gratification, God's love is enduring and unchanging. It is a source of comfort and hope that transcends the fleeting pleasures of this world. we should seek timeless gratifications because our inner selves are timeless and will only be satisfied that way. ai can be useful in many ways, but it is important to use it wisely and not to become overly reliant on it for our happiness or fulfillment. true happiness and fulfillment come from a relationship with God. a virtual reality game can provide an adrenaline rush or a sense of accomplishment. however, these experiences are fleeting and ultimately unsatisfying. In contrast, a relationship with God provides a deeper sense of fulfillment and purpose that lasts a lifetime. a lot of the difference between our ego and God is about time preference. we like to be gratified now, whereas God wants it in afterlife. so being patient is really the key, waiting until the afterlife for real pleasures. these worldly ones are not close to the pleasures of later.
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