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2023-07-04 16:47:30
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<h1 class="w3-margin w3-jumbo">Riverside Bitcoin Meetup</h1>
<p class="w3-xlarge">A group focused on the decentralized alternative to central banking.</p>
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<h5 class="w3-padding-32">Riverside Bitcoin is a meetup group focused on promoting the use of bitcoin as freedom from financial censorship, failing banks, hyperinflation worldwide, and high inflation in developed economies.

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<p class="w3-text-grey">This is a censorship-resistant meetup is focused on actionable bitcoin discussion. The goal is to teach people how to:</p>
Use bitcoin to protect ourselves from inflation.
Prevent financial censorship.
Promote the circular economy.
Protect our Data.
Mine Bitcoin.
Bitcoin philosophy
Austrian Econonimics.

We are about bitcoin and bitcoin-only.</a>.
<b>We do not support alt-coins</b>. We do not trade. There are no charts. We sell dollars, send zaps and get paid in bitcoin. <b>Crypto means cryptography</b>. If you would like to learn more about bitcoin please read some of the books on this <a href="https://bitcoin-only.com/books">list</a>; or come to one of our meetings.

The website is hosted on nostrsites and you can find our next meeting in nostrchat. You will need a nostr key to view it. If you are new to nostr, please watch the video below.


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<h1 class="w3-margin w3-xlarge">"The root problem with conventional currency is all the trust that's required to make it work. The central bank must be trusted not to debase the currency, but the history of fiat currencies is full of breaches of that trust." --Satoshi Nakamoto</h1>

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Powered Nostr. Check out our profile by clicking on our npub. <a href="https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/default.asp">npub1rvrsde6r0w7unk3am48md5us4gsx536dq5qh6utedkhhemq3hxesehc89n</a>;


Don't have a nostr key yet? Check out the video:

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