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2024-10-09 23:18:38



Anubis, the ancient Egyptian god known as the guardian of the dead and protector of sacred rites, holds a profound symbolic place within the Ancient Order of the Hermetics.

As the jackal-headed deity who guided souls through the afterlife, weighed hearts on the scales of Ma’at, and safeguarded tombs from desecration, Anubis embodies the principles of protection, reverence, and spiritual integrity—qualities that are essential to preserving the sanctity of the Order.
Anubis as the Guardian of the Ancient Order of the Hermetics.

In Hermetics, as in ancient spiritual traditions, the sacred is not merely a space or a belief; it is a state of being, a realm of purity that transcends the illusions of the physical world. Anubis serves as the perfect guardian for such a realm, as he is not only the protector of souls but also the keeper of spiritual laws. His role within the Ancient Order of the Hermetics is both symbolic and energetic. He stands as a gatekeeper between the sacred and the profane, ensuring that the Order remains a place of deep respect, wisdom, and truth.

1. Protector of the Sacred
Anubis’ primary role in the Egyptian pantheon was to guard the tombs of the dead, ensuring that only those worthy of entering the afterlife could pass through. In the Ancient Order of the Hermetics, his presence symbolizes the protection of the sacred teachings, guarding against corruption, distortion, or those with ill intentions. Just as Anubis prevented desecration of the physical dead, he guards the spiritual sanctity of the Order. His watchful eye ensures that the teachings shared, the wisdom offered, and the members who participate come with pure hearts and sincere intentions.
The energy of Anubis filters out the noise of the ego, the illusions of division, and any external forces that seek to derail the sacred mission of the Order. He acts as a sentry at the threshold, ensuring that only those aligned with the higher principles of Hermetic wisdom—truth, balance, and spiritual growth—are allowed to partake in the journey.

2. Keeper of Spiritual Balance
Anubis is most famous for his role in the weighing of the heart, where he places the soul’s heart on one side of the scales and a feather on the other. In this act, the heart must be as light as Ma’at’s feather to enter the afterlife. This symbolic weighing of the heart can be seen as an allegory for integrity within the Order. Anubis reminds members to constantly measure their hearts, actions, and thoughts against the principles of truth, harmony, and divine justice.

His presence in the Order speaks to a deeper commitment: to hold oneself accountable to the highest standards of character and spiritual discipline. As guardian, Anubis represents the continual process of self-reflection and inner balance that is critical to the Hermetic path. His energy calls on members to cultivate purity of heart and mind, allowing them to contribute to the sacred nature of the Order without the weight of ego, fear, or falsehood.

3. Guide Through Transformation
Just as Anubis guided souls through the perilous journey of the afterlife, he serves as a symbolic guide for members of the Ancient Order of the Hermetics as they undergo personal transformation. The Hermetic path is often one of inner death and rebirth, shedding layers of illusion and awakening to higher truths. Anubis’ presence reassures members that while the process of transformation may be daunting, they are not alone in their journey. His role as a psychopomp—a guide of souls—symbolizes the unseen hand that leads us through the dark night of the soul, helping us navigate the uncertainties and shadows we must face to reach enlightenment.

Anubis helps protect the sacred journey by ensuring that those who embark on this path do so with reverence and readiness. In this way, he guards not only the physical and energetic boundaries of the Order but also the inner sanctum of each member’s spiritual journey.

Keeping the Order Sacred
To keep something sacred is to ensure that it remains untouched by the forces of degradation—whether those forces arise from within or from external pressures. In the context of the Ancient Order of the Hermetics, the role of Anubis is not merely symbolic; his essence permeates the spiritual fabric of the group, ensuring that its teachings and its purpose remain pure, uncorrupted, and aligned with the higher cosmic laws.

Anubis reminds members that the Order is a temple of the mind and heart, a place where souls come to evolve beyond the illusions of the material world. This temple must remain inviolate, free from the distractions and corruptions of the outside world. His guardianship is a call for each member to actively protect the sacredness of the Order by embodying its values. Each person becomes, in a sense, a reflection of Anubis, guarding the sacredness of the teachings by guarding the sanctity of their own heart.

A Call to Honor and Integrity
Anubis’ presence in the Order is also a reminder that sacredness is not something passively protected—it requires active participation from those who seek to preserve it. Each member is called to embody honor, integrity, and truthfulness. In a world often marred by deception, illusion, and manipulation, Anubis represents the standard of spiritual integrity that members of the Order must uphold.

By invoking Anubis as the protector of the Ancient Order of the Hermetics, members are reminded that they, too, are guardians—guardians of the Hermetic wisdom, guardians of the sacred space that the Order represents, and guardians of their own hearts. Each person who enters the Order must ensure that they carry the same sense of responsibility that Anubis embodies, maintaining the purity of their intent and actions in every step they take on the Hermetic path.

Anubis’ role as the guardian of the Ancient Order of the Hermetics is multifaceted. He is a protector of sacred wisdom, a keeper of spiritual balance, and a guide through the profound process of personal transformation. His presence ensures that the Order remains a place of purity, reverence, and spiritual integrity—a sanctuary for those who seek to transcend the illusions of the material world and align with the deeper truths of the cosmos.

Through the symbolism of Anubis, members are reminded that the sacred must be protected not only from external forces but also from the inner shadows of ego and self-deception. Anubis calls each person to walk the path with a heart as light as Ma’at’s feather, to embody honor and truth, and to uphold the sacredness of the Order with every thought, word, and action.
In this way, Anubis ensures that the Ancient Order of the Hermetics remains not just a collection of teachings, but a living embodiment of sacred wisdom—a beacon of light, truth, and transformation in a world that so often forgets the sacred.

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