I get you, but I don't believe in rational action in voting and politics. https://www.uky.edu/AS/PoliSci/Peffley/pdf/Brader%202005%20AJPS%20Striking%20a%20Responsive%20Chord%20How%20Political%20Ads%20Motivate%20and%20Persuade%20Voters%20by%20Appealing%20to%20Emotions.pdf
Germany was divided, with one half favoring socialism (which didn't work at all) and the other half favoring capitalism (which doesn't really work either). People from the East still earn an average of 800 euro less per month. They romanticized life in the West and are now waking up. And who’s to blame ? The Migrants ..who are doing jobs everywhere in the world nobody else wants to do. On the other hand, there is a skilled labor shortage of 200,000 people here. It's crazy how comfortable it is to live in a welfare state, you don’t even have to learn anymore 🤡. I'm not a fan of German and EU politics, but rationally speaking, I see that I'm fine here. Moreover, Germany has never overcome its Nazi past and carries immense trauma within itself. Autobahns are a good achievement, but they don't justify millions of deaths. Exactly that was the outcome of Faschism. I was in Auschwitz and recommend a dose of reality to anyone who carelessly votes for or legitimizes neo-fascists. Nix für ungut, sarcasm and simplification involved.