yeah, i agree, it seems like all the followers are delusional, i am glad he quit doing the live streams
it's easy to see he's making himself some kind of doomsday settlement situation but also more of a tourist spot, and he's doing it in Colorado, which is a red flag all by itself
i'm not gonna discount the nuggets he digs up with his research on the basis of some shady peripheral parts of the process but i think he is spot on - that we have an epic disaster looming, because the magnetic field is definitely weakening dramatically in the last 150 years
but it could also correct, if you have seen his images of the models of the galactic current sheet, it starts to get very chaotic out towards the edges, which is where we are, doesn't mean we won't see the pole reversal or an event like 12000 or 6000 years ago repeat, and i'm also tracking the biblical record and i'm now starting to see other things more as well
The Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya was the starting point for me in investigating all this catastrophism, and i think it's very important
i'm almost certain there was an ancient high tech society, if you want your mind blown, on the forensic evidence of high tech design and machining of pre-dynastic egypt:
the egyptians themselves recorded such a history in their own records and so did the greeks and not only them, but the aztecs, maya, and in several old stories of north american indians also stuff that suggests there was an ancient high tech civilization
there is something going on here, and yes some people are riding this and whatever, but this is a glimmer of hope compared to the doom of the eternal timeless doomsday of the Nineteen Eighty Four global communism scenario, stuff that you can point at concrete artifacts and landforms and architecture that suggest there is a much bigger story and indeed, some really big motherfuckin pieces of shit are trying to keep the story underground, and probably they are even limited hangouting a bunch of things, probably Ben from SO is one of their ops
but i got a lot out of watching AJ back in the day, his shit now is total trash, and i'm sure there was plenty who got a lot out of Bagwan Sri Rajneesh too, even though he was slathered in bullshit (i had peripheral contact to that cult in my days in the psytrance scene in byron bay)... hell, i can even say i had a brief time with Tony Robbins stuff, which had some to it, and look at the situation with Nassim Taleb, who has been garbage since the covid