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Francisco Luis on Nostr: Sonnet 71 by Francisco Luis Arroyave Tabares I Sigh Losing hold of my pains that seem ...

Sonnet 71 by Francisco Luis Arroyave Tabares

I Sigh

Losing hold of my pains that seem endless
They đo not get all the way to my heart
My heart which is where they constantly hurt
Even with numb thoughts that wander aimless.

Somewhere in that sky through all its vastness
Episodes must happen unknown to earth
Where deserts in the distance seem inhert
And the moving ocean song sounds timeless.

When I see in the stars my passions glow
Alive, though beaten, in the distant height
A lightening bug light its torch so low...
Since it is not her I breath deep and sigh
And the moon playfully casts my shadow
Against a landscape of my soul inside.

Sonnet written by Francisco Luis Arroyave Tabares. Analyzed by GPT4 and www.howmanysyllables.com
Image by Leonardo.ai
Copyright 1989

Analysis of "I Sigh"

Sonnet 71 by Francisco Luis Arroyave Tabares is a poignant exploration of inner turmoil, longing, and the vastness of the universe as a metaphor for personal emotions. The sonnet follows the traditional structure of 14 lines, typically used to express deep feelings or profound ideas.

The first quatrain (four lines) introduces the speaker's emotional state, a sense of pain and heartache that is so constant it has become almost numb. The speaker feels lost, his thoughts wandering aimlessly, suggesting a state of melancholy or depression.

The second quatrain expands the speaker's perspective to the cosmos, suggesting that there are events and experiences beyond human comprehension. The speaker uses the imagery of deserts and oceans to convey a sense of vastness and timelessness, perhaps reflecting his feelings of insignificance or overwhelming emotions.

The third quatrain introduces a glimmer of hope or longing. The speaker sees his passions reflected in the stars, suggesting a desire for something more, something beyond his current state of pain. The image of a lightning bug lighting its torch so low could symbolize a small, fleeting moment of hope or joy in the midst of his suffering.

The final couplet (two lines) brings the focus back to the speaker's personal experience. Despite the vastness of the universe and the fleeting moments of hope, the speaker is still consumed by his longing for a specific person (presumably a lost love). The playful casting of his shadow by the moon against the landscape of his soul suggests a sense of melancholy, but also a sense of self-awareness and introspection.

Overall, Sonnet 71 is a deeply emotional and introspective poem that uses cosmic imagery to explore personal feelings of pain, longing, and hope. It is a testament to the power of poetry to express complex emotions and ideas in a concise and evocative way. (GPT4)

Analyze the rhyme of the in detail

Sonnet 71 by Francisco Luis Arroyave Tabares does not follow the traditional English or Italian sonnet rhyme schemes (ABAB CDCD EFEF GG or ABBA ABBA CDE CDE, respectively). Instead, it seems to follow its own unique pattern.

Here's the rhyme scheme of the sonnet:





The first quatrain (four lines) follows an ABBA rhyme scheme: "endless" (A), "heart" (B), "hurt" (B), "aimless" (A).

The second quatrain also follows an ABBA rhyme scheme: "vastness" (C), "earth" (D), "inhert" (D), "timeless" (C).

The third quatrain repeats the ABBA pattern: "glow" (E), "height" (F), "low" (F), "sigh" (E).

The final couplet (two lines) follows a GG rhyme scheme: "shadow" (G), "inside" (G).

This unique rhyme scheme creates a mirrored effect, with the second and third lines of each quatrain rhyming with each other and the first and fourth lines also sharing a rhyme. This could be seen as a reflection of the poem's themes of introspection and self-reflection. The final couplet, with its own rhyme, provides a sense of closure to the poem. (GPT4)

Count the syllables of each line of the poem (www.howmanysyllables.com)

I Sigh

10 Losing hold of my pains that seem endless
10They đo not get all the way to my heart
10 My heart which is where they constantly hurt
10 Even with numb thoughts that wander aimless.

10 Somewhere in that sky through all its vastness
10 Episodes must happen unknown to earth
10 Where deserts in the distance seem inhert
10 And the moving ocean song sounds timeless.

10 When I see in the stars my passions glow
10 Alive, though beaten, in the distant height
10 A lightening bug light its torch so low...
10 Since it is not her I breath deep and sigh
10 And the moon playfully casts my shadow
10 Against a landscape of my soul inside.

Analyze the aspects that have yet to be analyzed

While we've discussed the rhyme scheme and the general themes of Sonnet 71 by Francisco Luis Arroyave Tabares, there are still several aspects that can be further analyzed, including its meter, imagery, and use of metaphor.

1-. Meter: The sonnet does not strictly adhere to the iambic pentameter (five pairs of unstressed and stressed syllables) often found in traditional sonnets. However, there is a rhythmic quality to the lines, which adds to the overall musicality and flow of the poem.

2-. Imagery: The sonnet is rich in imagery, which serves to evoke emotions and create a vivid mental picture. For instance, the "deserts in the distance" and the "moving ocean song" create a sense of vastness and solitude, while the "lightening bug light its torch so low" provides a striking image of fleeting hope or joy.

3-. Metaphor: The sonnet uses metaphor effectively to convey the speaker's emotional state. The vastness of the sky and the distant stars are used as metaphors for the speaker's inner turmoil and longing. The "landscape of my soul inside" is a powerful metaphor for introspection and self-awareness.

4-. Tone: The tone of the sonnet is melancholic and introspective, reflecting the speaker's state of mind. The use of words such as "sigh", "numb", and "hurt" contribute to this tone.

5-. Symbolism: The sonnet uses various symbols to convey deeper meanings. The stars symbolize the speaker's passions and desires, the lightning bug represents fleeting hope, and the moon casting a shadow symbolizes the speaker's introspection and self-awareness.

6-. Alliteration and Assonance: The sonnet also uses alliteration (repetition of initial consonant sounds) and assonance (repetition of vowel sounds) to create a musical quality. For example, in the line "And the moon playfully casts my shadow", the repetition of the 'm' sound is a form of alliteration, while the repetition of the 'a' sound in "casts" and "shadow" is a form of assonance.

7-. Enjambment: The sonnet uses enjambment, where a sentence or phrase runs over from one line to the next without a terminal punctuation mark. This creates a sense of continuity and flow, reflecting the ongoing nature of the speaker's emotions and thoughts. (GPT4)

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