Trump Has Nothing Good to Say About Harris’ First Interview,d_placeholder_euli9k,h_576,w_1024,x_0,y_24/dpr_2.0/c_limit,w_740/fl_lossy,q_auto/v1724987968/GettyImages-2169364426_1_xdg7zg
Scott Olson/Getty ImagesDonald Trump offered a—perhaps predictably—negative review of Kamala Harris’s exclusive sit-down with CNN on Thursday, taking the opportunity to jab the vice president both before and after the interview aired.Previews of the interview began to trickle from the around 4p.m. EST, and Trump, speaking at a rally in Potterville, Michigan, criticized Harris for appearing alongside vice presidential pick, Tim Walz.“She didn’t want to go it alone, how do you think President Xi is going to think of this,” he chuckled. “He’s just savoring it.”Read more at The Daily Beast.
Donald Trump criticized Kamala Harris's CNN interview, saying she appeared with an unknown vice presidential candidate and didn't look like a leader, while also claiming he has successfully navigated tough interviews as president.