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RiversideBitcoin on Nostr: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Riverside Bitcoin Meetstr</title> ...

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<h1 class="w3-margin w3-jumbo">Riverside Bitcoin Meetstr</h1>
<p class="w3-xlarge">A group focused on the decentralized alternative to central banking</p>
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<h5 class="w3-padding-32">Riverside Bitcoin is a group focused on promoting the use of bitcoin and freedom tech.


The idea is for Bitcoiners to get to know each other in Cyberspace. The pleb who created this website was(and still is) very bullish on nostr. I thought this new freedom tech could change the Internet as we know it among other pie-in-the-sky ideas. Nostr is very new however. It is also tiny compared to social media platforms that have billions of users. These platforms are walled gardens and walled gardens are ubiquitous on the Internet.
I have also decided to use Meetup.com because most of the world has not yet used the tools I am most passionate about, public key cryptography, not to be confused with trading dollars for digital IOU's based on lines people draw on charts. That is not public key cryptography. I prefer nostr, because like email, nostr is free. It is easier to get a hold of me in the nostr chat room. If you need help creating a nostr key, reach out. As long as you can write down 12 words, you can use nostr. You might want to keep a couple copies of the words, just in case.


<h2>Where Can I Find The Meetups?</h2>


There are several ways:

<h2>Official Riverside Bitcoin Meetup Chatroom</h2>

Come Hang out online in the official Riverside Bitcoin Meetup . <a href="https://nostr.kiwi/communities/RiversdideBitcoinMeetup/1b0706e7437bbdc9da3ddd4fb6d390aa206a474d05017d71796daf7cec11b9b3">Nostr Community</a> It's like Redit, but on nostr.



Search for our public key in your favorite nostr app.



Check Out Our <a href="https://www.flockstr.com/calendar/naddr1qqyx2ve48qukzwtyqyfhwumn8ghj7un9d3shjctzd3jjummjvupzqxc8qmn5x7aae8drmh20kmfep23qdfr56pgp04chjmd00nkprwdnqvzqqqrukstp6zds">Calander</a>;. It's a calender on nostr. All of our events are listed here.

Find Us On <a href="https://www.meetup.com/riverside-bitcoin-meetup/">Meetup.com</a>;



Has No blue check, so it is difficult to see anything we post here and only Blue Checks can DM unless the account follows you. Therefore, we suggest you get on nostr.

<h4>When Meetup?</h4>

We have a pleb walk the first week of each month, as long as it's not raining and we meet at Cheeba Hut on Market Street every 3rd Saturday of the Month at 5:00 p.m. Check out our <a href="https://www.flockstr.com/calendar/naddr1qqyx2ve48qukzwtyqy28wumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnyv9kh2uewd9hsygqmqurwwsmmhhya50waf7md8y92yp4ywng9q97hz7td4a7wcydekvpsgqqq0j6q4043kz">https://substack.com/@riversidebitcoinmeetup</a>;.

The purpose of this website is to create a local online beacon like Gigi describes on the website <a href="https://twentyone.world/concept ">Twenty One World</a> in Riverside, California. In the spirit of twentyone.world, I have decided to write a weekly newsletter called the Riveriside Orange Peel on nostr and substack. <a href="https://substack.com/@riversidebitcoinmeetup"></a>Follow The Newsletter to learn about local busineses that accept bitcoin as well as businesses I would like to accept bitcoin.


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<h3>Learn, Hang Out, Stack Zaps!</h3>

<p class="w3-text-grey">Come hang out with us on Nostr or Telegram if you prefer.

Then, hang out with us in meat space

Hope to see you soon. </p>

<a href="https://highlighter.com/e/note1cw8l4jz6vvxtqacss05kvmxj9zvfjdmd7fea5kzw6m9h2vf6gevq0p8cvv">; Knut Svanholm's One Shot Principle. </a>

<img src="https://i.nostr.build/g0XQ.png"; alt="One Shot Principle">


<!-- <h4>This is NOT about Meetups*</h4>
For meetups, have a look at one of these:

<a href="Https://bitcoin-only.com/meetups">bitcoin-only meetups</a>
<a href="https://www.bitcoinerevents.com">bitcoiner events</a>
<a href="https://www.w3schools.com">Visit W3Schools</a>
<a href="https://plebwalks.com/">...or take a walk</a>
<p>For more information, please see <a href="https://twentyone.world">Twenty One World</a></p>.

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<h1 class="w3-margin w3-xlarge">"The root problem with conventional currency is all the trust that's required to make it work. The central bank must be trusted not to debase the currency, but the history of fiat currencies is full of breaches of that trust." --Satoshi Nakamoto</h1>

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<i class="fa fa-snapchat w3-hover-opacity">https://news.yahoo.com/man-illegally-accessed-snapchat-accounts-143211785.html</i>;
<i class="fa fa-twitter w3-hover-opacity">https://www.npr.org/2022/12/14/1142666067/elon-musk-is-using-the-twitter-files-to-discredit-foes-and-push-conspiracy-theor</i>;
<i class="fa-solid fa-feather">https://snort.social/p/npub1rvrsde6r0w7unk3am48md5us4gsx536dq5qh6utedkhhemq3hxesehc89n</i>;
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<p>Fork Us<a href="https://github.com/BrutusBondBTC/meetstr/"; target="_blank">Github</a></p>
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