Yes and no. It's clear now that we're under attack by elements of our own government and military.
What looks like nothing may turn into more. So people have got to be prepared and skeptical.
When I caught covid-19 in 2019 I thought it was just a common cold at first.
We now know that the original Wuhan version was diabolically programmed in a laboratory as a biological weapon with a sneak attack during the antibody phase.
It nearly killed me because I didn't recognize it was a man-made bio weapon until the second week when the SARS was programmed to kick in.
After the antibody phase you get a sudden feeling of well-being. Just before the SARS attack. I jumped on it with everything I had with nothing but over the counter meds.
I fully expected to die a couple of nights in my sleep. I could literally feel it trying to kill me. But I pulled through. So be prepared. We all should know about the enemy now.