I agree. That said, one of the things people don't realise about EV batteries is that it's often not the whole battery that dies, but only one or two cells in a block. If you are okay using a soldering iron, you can arguably salvage most of these battery cells by just testing and replacing only the cells that are dead. But it'll void the warrantee, and yadda yadda. Also the tech is constantly improving, so costs are bound to come down eventually.
Ultimately though, the "green'ness" of EV's is moot. It's mostly green-wash. Electricity as a form of energy in it's own right is not very useful for anything. Instead it's generally just a medium of transmission back and forth between heat and kenetic energy, which are what we really use. In that respect combustion is more efficient, because it provides both of the intended end products without a middle man.
Personally I've been getting more interested in wood-gas (or other biogas) as a form of energy, since it is mostly methane and carbon monoxide, which becomes CO2 and water when combusted, and the material byproducts are charcoal, and creosote which are also useful for a range of applications. You don't get much greener or more renewable than plants, and it doesn't require child-labour in the Congo or such like to obtain it. Even weed trees and invasive species that are fast growing and have no appreciable use in construction, are still viable sources for wood-gas. Also quite easy to DIY the production and storage (notwithstanding the dangers of carbon monoxide capture/storage).