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Kind 9802
"In layman’s terms, if you look at compacted soils under a microscope they look like a jar full of sand. If you mix gypsum with the soils it will then look like a jar full of marbles, with air pockets around them." This is a highlight created on https://highlighter.com
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Published at
2023-07-10 02:45:42
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Event JSON
{ "id": "9deec261f890ab2234e0f45ce3dd7e7b34b8bba225a016e2f7dcc451667cbd11", "pubkey": "956474f434df528596c0818828cf80044fec6789094a9dbe21df80ac62b34ebd", "created_at": 1688957142, "kind": 9802, "tags": [ [ "r", "https://lawnsolutionsaustralia.com.au/laying-turf/preparing-turf-underlay-soil/improving-soil-structure-with-gypsum-for-a-lush-lawn/#:~:text=First%20aerate%20the%20lawn%2C%20then,local%20Lawn%20Solutions%20Australia%20member." ], [ "context", "Gypsum is a soft white-grey mineral known as a ‘clay breaker’ because it helps to improve the physical condition of heavy clay soils. In layman’s terms, if you look at compacted soils under a microscope they look like a jar full of sand. If you mix gypsum with the soils it will then look like a jar full of marbles, with air pockets around them. The result of this occurring is to allow better water and root penetration. Root development and the intake of other essential nutrients are assisted as well by the calcium content of gypsum." ], [ "alt", "\"In layman’s terms, if you look at compacted soils under a microscope they look like a jar full of sand. If you mix gypsum with the soils it will then look like a jar full of marbles, with air pockets around them.\"\n\nThis is a highlight created on https://highlighter.com" ], [ "t", "gardening" ], [ "t", "lawn" ], [ "t", "DYOR" ], [ "alt", "\"In layman’s terms, if you look at compacted soils under a microscope they look like a jar full of sand. If you mix gypsum with the soils it will then look like a jar full of marbles, with air pockets around them.\"\n\nThis is a highlight created on https://highlighter.com" ] ], "content": "In layman’s terms, if you look at compacted soils under a microscope they look like a jar full of sand. If you mix gypsum with the soils it will then look like a jar full of marbles, with air pockets around them.", "sig": "6d0abbe7c82ad79af6615ed53a940aa501b2a7186e50799ed81216361479ca8939d86e33c13a7d35ba4b3f0e3ef1185b491c41bbc86563166adf08da1982e9d5" }