**New Nostros Release [v0.3.2.1-alpha]**
**What's Changed**
- LnBits integration
Now users can add LnBits wallets to the in-app wallet
- nostrcheck.me
nostrcheck.me is now available in the list of media upload services
- Securitty updates
Several core libraries updated
* Update zhCn.json by @iiaannn in https://github.com/KoalaSat/nostros/pull/450
* LnBits integration by @KoalaSat in https://github.com/KoalaSat/nostros/pull/456
* React Native 0.71.4 by @KoalaSat in https://github.com/KoalaSat/nostros/pull/441
* nostrcheck.me by @KoalaSat in https://github.com/KoalaSat/nostros/pull/458
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/KoalaSat/nostros/compare/v0.3.2.0-alpha...v0.3.2.1-alpha