I think we also run into the problem of people genuinely not understanding how what life is like for low IQ people, especially internally. I think everyone imagines a drooling, brain-dead creature who can't talk or think or self-identify (Forest Gump style) and their gut says "They can talk and emote, just like me!" as though that is proof of intelligence. But you can look up what we know about IQ and how drastic things really are. There are also some very telling videos from low IQ people and how much normal life is a struggle for them:
[youtube.com/watch?v=0Grs_jJ5U6w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Grs_jJ5U6w ) (Privated, if anyone wants to try to dig it up)
[youchu.be/watch?v=wwyEmOfJ-Ac](https://youchu.be/watch?v=wwyEmOfJ-Ac ) (Russian dub of privated video)
[youchu.be/channel/UCJ3tey6Vrdm0GGLEalsbqIw](https://youchu.be/channel/UCJ3tey6Vrdm0GGLEalsbqIw )
You will even see, any time they're not talking about how hard basic tasks are for them, people immediately go "Well, this guy doesn't SEEM stupid. He's expressing himself well" and so on.
To stop myself from rambling on too much, there's a lot of low IQ that's hidden. It makes empathetic people assume that IQ is a farce or useless and anyone who points it out as mean. This makes any example (NAXALT) something they want to apply as a potential for the entire group instead of if only there were more school lunch programs or free money or apologizing whites.
I find showing them videos of Low IQ people explaining their struggles personally helps the rest of the bitter pill go down. Sadly, they're hard to find for obvious reasons.