Any company interested in adhering to the unspoken purpose for which Bitcoin was written should first opt to do no harm to users.
That means rather than simply going for the name, go for the ethics. It means not inducting users into a KYC Gulag, or encouraging them to do so.
Even if they are not interested in ethics at all or Ethical Bitcoin, the aim on a purely logical basis must be to obtain as many users as possible, to avoid falling into the ranks of dead wallets.
This is, like all other rules in an emergent ecosystem, is one that you can taper so that you continue to exist, and difficult choices will always need to be made. Make them and take the consequences.
If you have the means, what this means is that if you are onboarding tools to buy Bitcoin, you should opt for Ethical Bitcoin first.
Opting for Ethical Bitcoin first means you help spread the idea of Ethical Bitcoin whilst serving people in a way that doesn't abuse them. You move users away from abusive services and help solidify the idea of Ethical Bitcoin.
You also get to serve the entire world at once, rather than being artificially locked into one jurisdiction.
Make no mistake, the method of going one jurisdiction to the next over years can build very large businesses, but like email, upstart wallet providers can appear that instantly annihilate incumbents.
It happened with browser companies and it can happen with Bitcoin companies.
Look at Mi¢ro$0ft Internet Exploder's market share over years in the following post for a clip showing how browser share has changed over time. Fascinating, especially if you used some of these tools.
You can expect the same change pattern over years with "Bitcoin Browsers" (today called "wallets) and you can be sure that the first company to call itself, "The Bitcoin Browser" will be catapulted to Number One because out of the box it serves everyone on earth all at once.
"The Google Chrome of Bitcoin" for sure is in development now; the only question is "WHO IS IT?".
Central to answering this question is this; how do people get Bitcoin on to this wallet?
To be sure, any tool that holds any the following to be true is sure to lose the race
Americans are the only ones who need Bitcoin
We can't onboard anyone without "KYC"
Africans and LATAMs are too stupid to want Bitcoin
Bitcoin is money
No onboarding without seed phrase test
All Bitcoin users are exactly the same
All Bitcoin users have exactly the same needs
Bitcoin is "a community"
And I could go on about Graphic Design, language choices (false and dangerous analogies) and many other things, as I have been in the many pieces I've penned on Bitcoin since my first writing on it in December 2010.
One thing is for certain. There are enough very talented and insightful people in the Bitcoin Service Industry who are more than capable of navigating the problems and coming to the correct conclusions.
Their success will cause the correct answers to propagate, leaving the underlying "Secret Sauce" secret.
Isn't it exciting?