**RT @paoloardoino:**
I'm really proud that @LuganoPlanB (https://nitter.moomoo.me/LuganoPlanB) is sponsoring again @FCLugano1908 (https://nitter.moomoo.me/FCLugano1908) for the Swiss Cup final ⚽️🇨🇭!
Last year Lugano's FC won the football cup with PlanB's logo on their back!
Excited to see it happening again! LFG LFC!
#bitcoin (https://nitter.moomoo.me/search?q=%23bitcoin) logo will be seen by millions of people on TV!
Awareness, sports, passion, dedication and love.
nitter.moomoo.me/LuganoPlanB/status/1664679672704303105#m (https://nitter.moomoo.me/LuganoPlanB/status/1664679672704303105#m)