Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2023-04-08 22:32:47

Ov1, a Taoist Bitcoiner on Nostr: Here's a startpack Nostr tool set to share with your networks: (onboarding) (free ...

Here's a startpack Nostr tool set to share with your networks:

https://nosta.me/ (onboarding)

https://bitcoiner.chat (free Nostrich IDs)

https://nostr.build/ (graphic creation)

https://nostrit.com/ (event scheduler)

https://rss.nostr.band/ (customized Nostr RSS feed)

https://nostrview.com/ (Nostr search tool)

https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/nos2x/kpgefcfmnafjgpblomihpgmejjdanjjp (chrome Nostr signer extension)

https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/nos2x-fox/ ( Firefox extension browser signer)

https://codeberg.org/rsbondi/nostr-registry (Nostr relay database)
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