I mean...you can just google on Google Scholar and you'll find tens of papers authored by him.
Here for example is a query with basic filtering with his name: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=wZH_N7cAAAAJ&hl=en
Moreover, in this website you can find direct links also to lessons he did when he was instructor at MIT (that are hosted on the Deep Learning material repository of MIT).
Here is the link: https://deeplearning.mit.edu/
I honestly can't point to precise timestamps, I clearly recall the interview with Van Rossum (inventor of Python) as a good one, the one with the creator of Mojo. the interviews with Musk clearly show that he knows the stuff.
I'm not in the position to judge his writings, his lectures and his skills in deep because I'm not a PhD in Computer Vision, so I stand only on some of his stuff about RL that I've seen as a testimony of his competence. Surely there are a lot of KPIs to address competence but I'm not aware of them...I know that Google Scholar indexes quite broadly citations, so his 2957 citations could be a proxy but not so precise.