"tags": [],
"content":"Wikifreedia 0.0.3 released!\n\nMERGE SUPPORT!\n\nhttps://i.makeagif.com/media/4-12-2017/KnAPRl.gif\n\nNow you can easily fork someone's wiki entry and, if you want them to take your changes, ask to merge them in.\n\nI explain it more thoroughly in this video with a *special* silent guest in the background.\n\nIn the video Alice writes an article and White Rabbit makes a new version with some changes and gets Alice to update her copy with these changes.\n\nWhite Rabbit. satisfied with these new changes, deletes his version and signals to his followers that he agrees with Alice's version.\n\nhttps://flare-pub.s3.amazonaws.com/u/fa984bd7dbb282f07e16e7ae87b26a2a7b9b90b7246a44771f0cf5ae58018f52/video/mqm3-wlmqxu-9GW2nk5pg.mp4\n",