I think there is innate desire to create, to do something with our hands and contribute something of value for others. God has created is like this. Of course being dead in our sin, we make things, but they are faulty, weak, and broken.
I wrestle with doing or being something that contributes in creative ways. Partly out of my own lazieness and sin I don't carry through with many things, and yet, there is still something driving and wanting to do that.
I want to write, I want to run servers (relays for #nostr and #simpleXchat), create a bible app for a specific group for example. Of course there has been other interests as well, but they don't often see the light of day. I often want to make something, to do something, and to feel like I've helped someone else and learned something new in the process.
I write this because of my day job, which is helping people with various IT stuff, often feels unimportant and unnecessary to them. It's discouraging and demotivating. Some days are like this. More than I care to admit. Some days are brighter than normal. I'm hoping tomorrow is that day.
#open #create #nostrgrow #thoughts #created #brighterdays