Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2023-09-19 16:18:56

mahdieh✨ on Nostr: ♥️♥️♥️♥️🦋 II of III System One of the reasons of the chaos on the ...


One of the reasons of the chaos on the earth is;
“We didn’t learn to ask questions…”

We learnt to follow; to instead of finding our true selves wishing to be someone else’s; & the worse part is, making role models for our children teaching them to be the same as the role models, instead of finding their own talents!
We forgot about our natural intelligence & haven’t learnt to at least teach our children to find their own intelligence! This is a great drama that still is happening in schools, at homes, & media, the hell of media!!!
Media is the most dirty box that knows its way greatly of how keep us fool in its cage!! The box that knows how feed us to only follow it with not thinking, with not asking questions! The box that gives us lots of fears which is ended with saying to it yes yes yes!!! That is the reason we have been manipulated by the dirty system of the world for decades, the system that can easily controls us, feeds us with false info through its media, & spreading fears to direct us following their rubbish rules without asking questions!
Look where we are standing in the 21st century, how we still are very good slaves whose being recognized as public, as people!!

Let’s get back to part of the history of the earth; “How many years has it been passed since people at the time scared to shout, stayed silent & watched the crucifixion of Jesus who truly tried to wake us up!!!?”
How much have we changed since the time of “To Kill a Mockingbird”!?
How much have we changed since the time of “An enemy of the people”!? Aren’t we who still are in silent, living under control of the system!!!? Why really don’t we learn from history? Why don’t we step out of the box?
Why the ones who truly try to wake us up are being denied!? Why don’t we faithfully stand next to the true heroes to help ourselves?! Why do we let the egoic people decide for us? Why don’t we step out of the box of fears, questioning the system that must be transparent with us!?

For years & years, we pay taxes, Vat & many extra charges that some are even hidden, & we don’t ask where the heck are these moneys go?! Look, how we are goody fooly slaves!! We report every penny we earn, but we don’t ask where these moneys go, we even don’t ask ourselves why not to raise our questions bravely of where governments are spending our money!??
Many wars are happening around the world, we don’t ask what is exactly this organization that called itself United Nations doing?! Many children are being abused on the earth, we don’t ask what the heck UNICEF & other organizations that introduced themselves as the defenders of children are doing? We pay to charities that are supposed to defend rights of children, then they use face of children for their advertisements; we don’t ask what the heck is going on? How can they be defenders of children’s right, when they use face of the children who have no awareness of what’s happening to them!???! Many human rights organizations spend millions for their advertisements in the golden times of TVs & we are not curious of whether this is the money we pay to help, they use for their adverts?! We even don’t ask the charities to give us a report & transparently showing us how they use the money they receive from us!!?

And the story of the earth goes on & on… And the history shows we still are so good for being goody fooly slaves of the system!

Covid came, luck down & mandatory vaccine happened; we didn’t ask why really? What is behind all these sudden things that are happening around the world?! Then, Bill Gates started supporting PFizer vaccine; there was no curiosity to ask him telling us about the side effects of the vaccine that he was greatly supporting!!! We didn’t ask ourselves why we should trust him?! We even didn’t ask who really is he & what is behind all his recent actions!
Then inflation & recession occurred, prices risen up, we didn’t ask governments that what the hell is going on? How can’t they manage it? What exactly happened to the moneys that they are receiving from us for decades?! If they didn’t have any plan, if they couldn’t manage it economically, why pandemic was happened?
Who is in charge answering us?!!“Did we ask!??”
After vaccine injections, many people were died, many hidden cancers were activated & we didn’t ask what is behind all this dirty scenario?! Who are behind the virus & its mandatory vaccine? What is their plan?!

Back to the history of the elections globally, no matter what country, there are lots of promises that are being made during elections which wouldn’t get true; & we keep staying in silence!!
We didn’t learn to ask questions from those who we chose to give us service?! We didn’t learn to ask them of what happened to their promises that they made?! We learnt to talk & complain about it privately with no result & we all so get used to it to not being answered by the ones who must answer us!! And we keep saying freedom freedom…
What’s wrong with us?!! freedom only comes if we break our silent & shout at the system, if we raise our questions on the hells that are happening to us for centuries!? Freedom comes when we realize that this is our right questioning governments; questioning the system, asking for transparency, giving us reports of their job, of what they do with the moneys they receive from us?!
Yes, this is the main issue that we are carrying it for centuries;
“We didn’t learn to ask question?!!!”

In 21st century, the century that the world was supposed to be united, to be in a total peace, but still we are observing the wars that many innocent children & families are victims of that, the wars that is not clear where are being fed! The wars that wouldn’t let us to get united, the wars that soldier don’t ask why should kill the other soldier! The war that soldier didn’t learn to ask himself if he’s killing the one whose his children, his family are waiting for! The war that soldiers didn’t learn to ask why, didn’t learn to look at the concept of the war deeply to realize that they are killing each others in order to feed the ego of their governments & the dirty system of the world!

21st century, the century that we should have true education to know ourselves, finding our own intelligence, letting our children to find their natural intelligence, letting them doing their trial & error, to creat & fearlessly ask questions; but instead we let the narcissistic people spread their artificial intelligence, introducing it more intelligence than humans, taking a way confidence of our children, keeping us in the fearful box to not discover our natural intelligence, to get foolish by their artificial intelligence works! And we don’t defend our children’s rights!!! We don’t ask What’s behind all these nasty actions?!

21st century, the time that we should enjoy balance, having one global currency, having control on our money, not paying loads of hidden charges, not paying interests, not owing to bankers, not involving with banking system & to be free of debt; but what instead do we have?! We see the system banning Bitcoin, not letting having one global currency, we know they want to control us, they want to keep us attached to their dirty system, they want to always be the owners of us by their banking system, they want to use us, they want to take our money to make wars, they want to keep us separated instead of getting union, they spread hates instead of love, they spread fears, they are keeping us in the box of fear, to use us!!! But yet we don’t shout our voice, questioning them!
Isn’t cause we get used to not receiving the services that we are supposed to! Isn’t cause we forgot that we chose leaders, not bosses to controle us, the nasty bosses whose asking us a lot, using us a lot, but not answering us! The ones who know their plan & how feed us to get used to all their dirty acts! Then we let them to easily get access to all our privacy, feeding us with false info about our world through their toxic media, & introducing the heroes who truly try to help us, to wake us up, the ones who try giving transparency to the dirty system, as the “enemies of people”!!
And you know why, cause the system knows we are so good in being goody fooly slaves!!! What the heck do you call this?! Isn’t a modern slavery?!!!

Lastly, USA election is close, and we all know that the elected president and his actions has an impact in the world! I wonder how many Americans who believe in freedom, who keep saying freedom freedom, who asks for transparency; would ask questions from their chosen candidate, their future president;
the questions such as;

- Can the future president be fully transparent in his job?
- Can he give reports to people about all his actions?
- What is his plan for bringing a global peace?
- Does he have any plan to step forward for a global union?
- What is his plan to defend, to stand for Bitcoin as a global currency?!
- What is his plan to change the history, stopping manipulation in the Middle East?
- What is his plan in regard to the great danger of Artificial intelligence?
- Can he give Q/A interviews to answer questions of people before making any promise?!
- I also wonder if the ones who believes in freedom asked their chosen candidate to respectfully open the door for Edward Snowden & his family to get back home safely!!! Wasn’t Snowden who tried to wake us up, by giving transparency to the system?!

In total; Chaos, inequality, bias & all these unfair actions on the earth keep continuing their way until we learn questioning the system, raising our voice & act on it bravely, believing in our rights & standing for it, to hug freedom actively instead of seeing it as a slogan!!
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