Custom Feeds
`draft` `optional` This NIP introduces a new data structure representing custom nostr feeds. These are to be used in the context of an user's session to fetch a list of matching events. # Data Format Custom feeds are represented using lists of lists. The first parameter of every list is a `type`, which determines the content of subsequent arguments to the feed. ## Address A `address` feed includes one or more addresses of events to fetch. ```json [ "address", "30023:d97a7541e4603d393c61eaad810c2e2e72684fb5672bde962c75c023d70e763f:98127054", "30023:d97a7541e4603d393c61eaad810c2e2e72684fb5672bde962c75c023d70e763f:12877394" ] ``` ## Author A `author` feed includes one or more pubkeys to use in an `authors` filter. ```json ["author", "d97a7541e4603d393c61eaad810c2e2e72684fb5672bde962c75c023d70e763f"] ``` ## Created At A `created_at` feed includes one or more objects describing date ranges for events to fetch. These MAY include values `since`, `until`, and `relative`, which may be a list containing `since` and `until` as strings. If included in the `relative` list, `since` and `until` values MUST be interpreted as `seconds before now`. Negative numbers MUST be interpreted as `seconds after now`. ```json ["created_at", {"since": 1715293673, "until": 86400, "relative": ["until"]}] ``` ## DVM A `dvm` feed includes one or more objects describing a DVM request. Each object MUST have a request `kind`, and MAY have a list of request `tags`, `relays` to send the request to, and a list of `mappings` mapping response tags to feeds. If omitted, applications SHOULD provide a reasonable set of default `mappings`. ```json [ "dvm", { "kind": 5300, "tags": [.bg-lavender.dark:prose:text-neutral-50.dark:text-neutral-50.dark:bg-garnet.px-1]#"i", "philosophy", "text"# [.wikilinks]#(link:"i",-"philosophy",-"text"[Wikistr], link:"i",-"philosophy",-"text"[Wikifreedia])#, "mappings": [.bg-lavender.dark:prose:text-neutral-50.dark:text-neutral-50.dark:bg-garnet.px-1]#"e", ["tag", "#e"# [.wikilinks]#(link:"e",-["tag",-"#e"[Wikistr], link:"e",-["tag",-"#e"[Wikifreedia])#] } ] ``` ## Global A `global` feed includes no arguments, and is intended to represent all events across the entire network. ```json ["global"] ``` ## ID A `id` feed includes one or more ids of events to fetch. ```json ["id", "b1ee83587c4ebab697719fd5bad22319741134e49933b0528b8cca426cafd59e"] ``` ## Kind A `kind` feed includes one or more kinds of events to fetch. ```json ["kind", 1, 30023] ``` ## List A `list` feed includes one or more objects defining one or more `addresses` and optional `mappings` for how to translate list tags into feeds. If omitted, applications SHOULD provide a reasonable set of default `mappings`. ```json [ "list", { "addresses": ["3:4d7600c1da0b69185fcbcb6b86cbaa010c9ea137fa83a3f4be4c713e1f217dad:"], "mappings": [.bg-lavender.dark:prose:text-neutral-50.dark:text-neutral-50.dark:bg-garnet.px-1]#"p", ["authors"# [.wikilinks]#(link:"p",-["authors"[Wikistr], link:"p",-["authors"[Wikifreedia])#] } ] ``` ## Label A `label` feed includes one or more objects defining filters for fetching `kind 1985 label` events and optional `mappings` for how to translate label tags into feeds. If omitted, applications SHOULD provide a reasonable set of default `mappings`. Label items may have the following keys: - `mappings` - a list of lists mapping tag names to filter keys - `authors` - a list of authors - `relays` - a list of relays to request events from - Any single-letter tag filter (beginning with `#`) ```json [ "label", { "#l": ["#p"], "#L": ["pub.ditto.trends"], "authors": ["db0e60d10b9555a39050c258d460c5c461f6d18f467aa9f62de1a728b8a891a4"], "mappings": [.bg-lavender.dark:prose:text-neutral-50.dark:text-neutral-50.dark:bg-garnet.px-1]#"p", ["authors"# [.wikilinks]#(link:"p",-["authors"[Wikistr], link:"p",-["authors"[Wikifreedia])#] } ] ``` ## WOT A `wot` feed includes one or more objects with optional `min` and `max` properties. These MUST be between 0 and 1 (inclusive) so that the interpeting application can scale the filter to their own web of trust's score range. If empty, `min` MUST be interpreted as `0`, and `max` as `1`. ```json ["wot", {"min": 0.3}] ``` ## Relay A `relay` feed includes one or more relay urls to request notes from. These can be composed with other feeds using `intersection` to limit those feeds to the given relays. ```json ["relay", "wss://", "wss://"] ``` ## Scope A `scope` feed includes one or more strings representing groups of people relative to the current user. Valid strings are: - `followers` - Pubkeys who follow the current user - `follows` - Pubkeys the current user follows - `network` - Pubkeys followed by pubkeys the current user follows - `self` - The current user's pubkey ```json ["scope", "follows", "self"] ``` ## Search A `search` feed includes one or more search terms. These should be acceptable based on NIP-50, but can be interpreted as the application sees fit. ```json ["search", "tomato"] ``` ## Tag A `tag` feed includes a tag key and one or more values. These should be interpreted the same as standard tag filters. ```json ["tag", "#t", "asknostr"] ``` ## Union A `union` feed includes zero or more feeds. An event may match any feed to match the parent feed. Example: ```json [ "union", ["scope", "followers"], ["tag", "#t", "asknostr"] ] ``` ## Intersection An `intersection` feed includes zero or more feeds. An event must match all given feeds to match the parent feed. Example: ```json [ "intersection", ["wot", {"max": 0.2}], ["tag", "#t", "introductions"] ] ``` ## Difference A `difference` feed MAY include a base feed to fetch, and zero or more feeds used to exclude events from the base feed. Example: ```json [ "difference", [ "list", { "addresses": [ "10001:4d7600c1da0b69185fcbcb6b86cbaa010c9ea137fa83a3f4be4c713e1f217dad:" ] } ], ["wot", {"max": 0.1}] ] ``` # Implementation notes If a `union`, `difference`, `intersection`, or `symmetric_difference` feed has no entries, it should be treated as an empty feed. Likewise with other feed types that have no arguments; for example `["authors"]` should be interprete the same way as a `{"authors": []}` filter. # Feed Event A `kind:31890` event defines a feed in an addressable way. The `content` SHOULD be a human- readable description of the feed. The following tags SHOULD be included: - A `d` tag - A `title` tag indicating the feed's name - A `feed` tag whose value is a JSON-encoded feed