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Kind 34235
This is a video event and can be viewed at https://www.flare.pub/w/naddr1qqr5u6zrw4gk24gzyqz3ly68hut2gg5y58rgnlywyac037p8fr8662px6pul96g47tndyqcyqqqgtwc78qxd3
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Published at
2024-07-22 19:22:44
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Event JSON
{ "id": "cdfde521d40358c97f25ec40dc83a25242377126249322cdca5f7dd9f5816834", "pubkey": "051f9347bf16a42284a1c689fc8e2770f8f82748cfad2826d079f2e915f2e6d2", "created_at": 1721676164, "kind": 34235, "tags": [ [ "d", "NhCuQeU" ], [ "url", "https://flare-pub.s3.amazonaws.com/u/051f9347bf16a42284a1c689fc8e2770f8f82748cfad2826d079f2e915f2e6d2/video/zshpu1IHbEQnHERq871Zx.mp4" ], [ "title", "Euparkeria by Galileo Hernandez" ], [ "summary", "Model of a Euparkeria walking on its hind legs.\n\nThe detailed model was professionally assembled and skillfully colored with airbrush and brush.\nThe base was specially made for this model. The underside, of the lovingly decorated base, was covered with black velvet.\n\nSpecial feature:\nRealistic-looking glass eyes have been added to this model.\n\nDimensions of the Euparkeria model:\n35 cm long\n17 cm high\n\nScale:\n1:1,5\n\nMaterial:\nPoly-resin\n\nArtist:\nGalileo Hernandez\n\nPainting:\nMartin Garratt\n\nYou can find models like this at www.urzeitshop.de\n\nEuparkeria lived from the Lower to Middle Triassic - around 246 - 238 million years ago. This small diapside reptile grew a little longer than half a meter and was probably able to walk on two legs for a short time. Fossils of Euparkeria were found in South Africa.\n\n#reptilien #reptiles #euparkeria #dinosauriermodelle #dinosaurs #dinosaurmodels #dinosaurier" ], [ "published_at", "1721676164" ], [ "client", "flare" ], [ "alt", "This is a video event and can be viewed at https://www.flare.pub/w/naddr1qqr5u6zrw4gk24gzyqz3ly68hut2gg5y58rgnlywyac037p8fr8662px6pul96g47tndyqcyqqqgtwc78qxd3" ], [ "m", "video/mp4" ], [ "x", "bc282937e1006d99880964cc1613789442ecdf42c619adf7cbe8ed0bc39f7d9d" ], [ "size", "72581709" ], [ "duration", "185.736417" ], [ "thumb", "https://flare-pub.s3.amazonaws.com/thumbnails/LdHbtVm3Zcq39lkjqQNhJ.jpg" ], [ "image", "https://flare-pub.s3.amazonaws.com/thumbnails/LdHbtVm3Zcq39lkjqQNhJ.jpg" ], [ "t", "reptilien" ], [ "t", "reptiles" ], [ "t", "dinosaurier" ], [ "t", "dinosaur" ], [ "t", "dinosauriermodelle" ], [ "t", "dinosaurmodels" ], [ "t", "euparkeria" ], [ "t", "dinosaurs" ] ], "content": "Model of a Euparkeria walking on its hind legs.\n\nThe detailed model was professionally assembled and skillfully colored with airbrush and brush.\nThe base was specially made for this model. The underside, of the lovingly decorated base, was covered with black velvet.\n\nSpecial feature:\nRealistic-looking glass eyes have been added to this model.\n\nDimensions of the Euparkeria model:\n35 cm long\n17 cm high\n\nScale:\n1:1,5\n\nMaterial:\nPoly-resin\n\nArtist:\nGalileo Hernandez\n\nPainting:\nMartin Garratt\n\nYou can find models like this at www.urzeitshop.de\n\nEuparkeria lived from the Lower to Middle Triassic - around 246 - 238 million years ago. This small diapside reptile grew a little longer than half a meter and was probably able to walk on two legs for a short time. Fossils of Euparkeria were found in South Africa.\n\n#reptilien #reptiles #euparkeria #dinosauriermodelle #dinosaurs #dinosaurmodels #dinosaurier", "sig": "f3456d8e643525409ae5ead00d8c223e6fdd510abb96abaa46b629cf9fae93e2cdf1822f2a59e7550983395de370ec44904bf9cbf27eee35feb7ac34804f7106" }